Gareth Case, SEO, Social Media, Video

Why Google+ Must Not Be Ignored

Another social network. I know what you’re thinking. Google+ adoption hasn’t been quite what many were expecting and why should you dedicate your time to another social network? I already spend a considerable amount of time writing this blog and managing my activity through LinkedIn, Twitter and other social channels but

Google+ for me does a unique job in that it is (possible without intending to) blurring the lines between traditionally personal social channels like Facebook, and business networks like LinkedIn. They have introduce Brand Pages a short time after their initial launch and have seen good traction and early adoption from many of the worlds leading brands. So why can’t Google+ be ignored? well here are a few reasons:

The social layer of SEO is one that Google has had missing from its armoury for too long. Their algorithms for returning the most relevant web pages have clearly been industry leading for many years but having the extra ‘tick in the box’ by a number of people ‘+1ing’ content helps them better understand what visitors are really looking for. What’s more you can see in Google’s search results page what people in your Circles have +1’d too. A very useful tool.

The adoption of video conferencing will explode over the next 3 years. By 2015 90% of all internet traffic will be video in one form or another. Google Hangouts enable not only friends to have a video chat but it also provides a free video conferencing solution for businesses. What’s more, organisations can use Hangouts to push live events and seminars out to an audience that can’t physically attend. I am already planning a virtual seminar next year to our customers and prospects using Hangouts.

I work in the B2B technology sector. For me, Facebook has always has an image issue in our market. Our customers and prospects typically see Facebook as a social channel for the younger generation, and one that is not usually accepted in the professional B2B space. LinkedIn on the other hand is a fantastic B2B tool for many reasons but it’s one downside for me is that it lacks the interactivity a ‘social’ feel.

So Google+, despite my early criticism (which I still feel is valid) I am going to embrace you. Your 50M users may provide an easier and more manageable target than the 800M I face on Facebook. And well done for accidently producing a social environment that has the potential to perfectly blend business and pleasure.

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Or, add me on G+ here


About garethcase

Gareth Case has more than 12 years experience of marketing in the B2B technology space and has held senior marketing roles at Intermec Technologies, Arc Solutions, Viglen, Athona and now ONI and has experience of working throughout EMEA, North America and APAC. His broad understanding of the full marketing mix combined with a diverse skill set has contributed to the success and growth of his previous employers. Gareth has proven, successful experience in the following marketing disciplines: Offline: Marketing Strategy, Team Leadership, Direct Mail, Campaign Management, Telemarketing, Print Production, Public Relations, Copywriting, Budget Management, Graphic Design, Collateral Design, Presenting. Online: Website Design, Content Management, iPad Toolkits, Social Media, PPC, SEO, Analytics, CRM, E-Marketing, Video. Gareth has experience of working across many vertical markets including Healthcare, Local Government, Education, Finance, Insurance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Retail, Media, Not for Profit and Legal. He has started this blog ‘Inside a Marketing Mind’ to share his experiences and promote debate around the latest marketing innovations. Follow Gareth on Twitter here – http://twitter.com/gareth_case and subscribe to the blog for all the latest updates. For a more detailed synopsis of Gareth’s skills and experience, please visit his blog or LinkedIn page


3 thoughts on “Why Google+ Must Not Be Ignored

  1. Very true. Google+ is taking time for users to flock to it, but with the development of brand pages and the functions they will be able to perform, they should really gain the edge over their competitors.
    Katie Leaver, LondonlovesJobs

    Posted by Katie Leaver | November 21, 2011, 10:33 am
  2. I just created a G+ page. I’m hopeful it will do well.

    Posted by Jacqui Murray | November 24, 2011, 4:21 pm


  1. Pingback: How Social Media and Digital Print Works for Business’s – A Working Example « INSIDE A MARKETING MIND: BLOG BY GARETH CASE - February 13, 2012

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